This blog has been set up to assist in the planning and shooting of Digital CAMCORDER productions. The initial production is a documentary showing the activities of radio amateurs in the Montral area.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Video Production

The start for this production is the planning. Good planning is essential if we want to make the video a successful production.

The first major activity is the storyboards in pre-production. We will need to follow the journalist's approach of the five W's of a story, the information is broken down into what, why, who, when, and where.

The production will be carried out with the approval and coordination of the Montreal Amateur Radio Club, known as MARC. It will predominantly be their members who will be the actors undertaking the various actions/activities.

As a heads-up, typical activites can include but definitely not limited to:

1. St. Patricks Day Parade
2. Jay Challenge (triathalon) in Vermont
3. Canada Day Parade
4. Harmony Horse Trials
5. St-Lazare Cyclo-Tour
6. Concordia ARC special activities.
7. Any other special activities that have not yet been announced.

These events, the amateur radio operators assist by providing communications in support of safety aspects of the event.

I propose that all those interested in assisting in this worthwile effort for the production of the video communicate with me and then we can plan a get-together. For your information, we will require all facets of the production, such as:

  • Storyboard developers;
  • Script writers (this more to identify what operators should talk about);
  • Director of individual events;
  • DV Cam operators (1/2);
  • Sound person (1/2);
  • Light person;
  • Editors (FCP4);
  • Background music editor;
  • Researcher; and
  • Coordinator with MARC and the radio operators.

As you can see, there will be plenty of opportunity for all of us to carry out varous functions and obtain lots of experience.

From the above, it is obvious that each person will have to participate in more than one activity. However, I feel that for all of us to get the maximum benefit from such a production, a team approach is preferable.

To give all of you an insight to the radio amateur hobby, I will following this with a new posting providing soime details.


Blogger Ronald said...

This is a test comment from videoman 23/1/05

9:12 AM

Blogger Ronald said...

Monday, 25 January 2005 [Robbie Burns Day]
I'm in Lo
London, UK and today I attended the first day of a Video Exhibition/conference. I attended 3 seminars and one given by a video producer who identified the technical requirement's for setting up for a production. It was interesting and I'll attempt to provide more in detail tommorow.
There is plenty of equipment to see and of course Sony has a big show with it's two new camera's, FX-1 and HDV-Z1.

3:24 PM


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